'All About Me'
As an artist I have been keeping journals for many years. Journal are so wonderful to do, and something to treasure. I often look back over my journals from years back, its so amazing to have all those memories logged in one place. This workshop was all about sharing the techniques and easy methods of keeping a journal in a unique and arty way without too much effort. Everyone was given their own beautiful journal a fineliner pen and a pack of collage images to keep. We spent the first hour preparing the journal pages with watercolour brush marks and sponges. This simple method is care free, and gives the most wonderful background effect to any journal page ready to write on. After all the backgrounds were prepared and dry, we moved onto calligraphy and hand writing. Most people never like their handwriting, and are scared to write in any book for the fear of spoiling it! I showed everyone some simple tips with fat brush pens and block lettering using also a fine liner to make words stand out on the page. The rest of the morning was filled with lots of cutting, glueing, collage, writing and an enormous amount of fun! The results were amazing, and everyone created their own unique and special journal to take home. They all felt inspired enough to now carry on filling those journal pages with whatever they wanted! x